Self-Care with Inner Workout

Face masks, bubble baths and a glass of wine...these are trendiest ways to tackle #selfcare, but there’s more to it. We interviewed Taylor Morrison, founder of Inner Workout, for some advice on effective self-care practices.
Hidden Intimates Inner Work

By Kamryn Thomas
Fashion lover, globetrotter, and marketing maven in the making, Kam loves any and everything that piques her curiosity and introduces her to new creative ideas. With her ongoing SEO strategy and content writing, she hopes to participate in transforming current perspectives surrounding beauty standards in lingerie and the fashion industry. 

Hidden Intimates Inner Workout


Self-care is everyone’s most recent obsession. Every brand has tapped into it - some advertise their newest face masks, others brag on just-in essential oils. As nice as these products are, we think it’s about time we take a step back and bring other aspects into the conversation. Are we routinely practicing habits that serve our mental well-being? How often do we focus on building our own character while loving who we are in the moment? How can we learn to care for our mind, body, and soul on a regular basis? 

We turn to Taylor Morrison, CEO and founder of the wellness brand Inner Workout, for more info on how to keep your brain engaged, your body active, and your spirit inspired so you can be the best you. 



Taylor Morrison Inner Workout

Photo Credit: @annazajac___

Who is Taylor Elyse Morrison and what is Inner Workout? 

My name is Taylor Elyse Morrison. I’m the founder of Inner Workout, which is a company that helps people build the skill of self-care. Sometimes I giggle when I think about the fact that self-care has become my life’s work. I don’t do this work because I have it all figured out. I do this work because I’ve experienced firsthand just how necessary this work is. Stress and burnout are familiar companions of mine, and I do this work to help create a world where burnout isn’t a thing. 

self-care is a skill.

Why do you think everyone is so interested in self-care right now?

I think people feel out of their element right now. The world has changed so much and so quickly, which leads us to examine the things we can control. The way we care for ourselves is one of those things. We all want to feel supported. We all want to feel better. 

Taylor Morrison Inner Workout

The world has changed so much and so quickly, which leads us to examine the things we can control. The way we care for ourselves is one of those things."

What is self-care to you?  

Inner Workout’s definition of self-care is listening within and responding in the most loving way possible. I try to do just that, every day. Listening to my body lately has looked like letting go of traditional workouts. I ride my bike. I go for a hike. I’m learning to play tennis. I’ve also tried to slow down in as many areas as I can. “Does this need to happen right now?” is a question I’m asking myself a lot. 

Taylor Morrison Inner Workout

What is your advice to someone who acknowledges they need to practice better self-care and a good first step?

Find the things that feel good. Search for the pockets of joy. Notice when you feel most supported. Then intentionally incorporate more of those things into your days and weeks. There are so many daily tasks that can be transformed into moments of care with a little intention. 

Search for the pockets of joy."

Hidden Intimates Self Care Inner Workout

How do you know if your self-care practices are working? 

We’re also evolving, and our world is always changing. Self-care is an ongoing conversation with yourself. You have to expect your self-care needs to shift. You know you’re headed in the right direction when you feel like you have an open line of communication with yourself. You’re able to listen and respond in real time. 

Inner Workout

As Taylor explained, authentic and effective self care is about listening to yourself. This is difficult to put into practice - our world is filled with overwhelming and never ending opinions, suggestions, and advice. Intentionality is key to avoiding all the extra commotion and buzz that is sometimes more harmful than anything else. Make sure you give yourself time to acknowledge everything your body tells you; and don’t be afraid to give it anything it needs. These little signals are, and forever will be, your ultimate guide to effective self care.

Hidden Intimates Self Care

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