National Lingerie Day

Megan Bickings
Blogger for Hidden Intimates
It seems there is a National Day for everything now but this is one of many days Hidden Intimates is especially excited to embrace. Lingerie has the power to bring out the confidence in a woman, which is truly the most beautiful thing that any of us can wear.
It is the layer that stands between our naked bodies and the outfit we’ve chosen for the day. It is the last piece of clothing we put on our tired selves before climbing into bed. While not generally seen by the public eye, the right lingerie has the ability to complement an outfit and add extra pep to our step. With all of that in mind, what’s not to celebrate?
What matters most is how we feel about ourselves. The lingerie we choose to wear can play a major role in this.
As we pass through the various stages of womanhood, may we never forget how amazing our bodies are. As we wear our first bra and have our first period. As we explore our sexuality. As we fall in love with ourselves and maybe another. As we transition into motherhood. As we experience the thralls of menopause. As we age gracefully and look back with gratitude. And may we never forget these are OUR amazing bodies, and we can always choose what we put on them to feel our best.