Mother's Day Gift Guide

Our Mother's Day Gift Guide is all things cozy to wear at home - because home is where mom is.
Hidden Intimates Mother's Day Gift Guide

Hidden Intimates Kate Sisk

Kate Sisk
Owner, Hidden Intimates

Where would we be without mothers? Literally, nowhere. This Mother’s Day, we want to thank all the moms out there for everything they do. For giving us life, and for guiding us through it. 

Mother's Day is a day to return the favor, so we've put together a gift guide of all things cozy to wear at home, because...

home is where mom is

Mother's Day Gifts Pajamas Kate Sisk Hidden Intimates

I got to grow up with a mother who taught me to believe in me.

- Antonio Villaraigosa
Kate Sisk Hidden Intimates Mother's Day Flora Nikrooz Fiona Butter Knit

My mother is the constant in my life that keeps me going. To know that there is always someone there, to love me no matter what I do. This security has given me so much in my life. Strength, comfort and happiness. 

Mother's Day Gifts Pajamas Hidden Intimates

Pictured above: Lace Trim Robe and Teddy Slippers

Mothers are our first friends. They have sacrificed for us, over and over again – and will for the rest of their lives. And whether we think about these things day-to-day, or sometimes forget.

Honeydew All American Stripe Sleep Shirt

I am so glad there is a day to remind us all of the sometimes hidden, overlooked gifts mothers have given us.

Wolf & Whistle Tracey Pink Leopard PJ Set
Mother's Day Gifts pajamas Hidden Intimates

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