An Intimate Gathering

A lingerie party! Hidden Intimates hosts their first pop-up event in Philadelphia. Check out the recap for photos.
Hidden Intimates Pop-Up Event Kate Sisk Flo Mcilwaine

An Intimate Gathering

Hidden Intimates Kate Sisk

Kate Sisk
Co-owner of Hidden Intimates

We hosted our first pop-up event!  

An Intimate Gathering took place on July 21, 2019 in Philadelphia.  We celebrated new beginnings after our Divorcées & Lingerie series and Hidden Intimates' 4-month anniversary!

Thanks to all who came out to shop, eat, drink, win prizes and meet other lovely ladies on this Sunday afternoon!


Mothers and daughters shopping together, husbands and wives stealing kisses, new friends and old friends swapping dating stories and discussing where to wear things like this bodysuit - oh, you'll figure it out ;)

Photo Gallery

If you spot yourself, share! tag us and #sayhI💛

Thanks Melissa Enriquez & Chris Brooke for capturing these Hidden moments!


Our raffle winners won:

Don't worry if you missed it! 

You can shop Hidden Intimates online any time.

Tags: events



Such a beautiful event! I am so proud of you Flo! You and Kate were both a joy! Looking forward to being a frequent customer with Hiddenintimates 💋


Loved watching you (and Kate) on MAFS! I love your quote above, let me live in the skin I’m in now. Today.
I love your attitude and confidence. I thought you came across as beautiful both inside and out on the show. You seemed like a confident and classy woman with so much strength and poise. I wish you the best! ❤️

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