One thing I'll never hide again is my skin. I used to be so ashamed of my stretch marks, acne, moles, scars, body hair and razor bumps… but we all have these and I'll never waste another minute worrying about what my skin looks like to others. And neither should you!
Let's tune out the media this time of year that says to change or lose weight. Wear that bathing suit or piece of lingerie. We have nothing to hide!
Your body is not a trend!
Women are told by society to hide so many parts of themselves - parts that don't fit the current, ever-changing constructs of beauty. They are censored, and told to hide their pleasure and confidence.
Stretch marks, scars, fat, body hair - we all have them and it's time to stop hiding them. Let's normalize these normal parts of the human body so when others look in the mirror, they can be a little more kind, and have a little more love for themselves.

Don't hide your pleasure, confidence and desires. There is a fear of stigmatization around women enjoying sex. Help us remind women: you are entitled to feel good, to learn, to be empowered, and to explore all the pleasure life has to offer. Read more

With censorship of the women's body by social media companies, especially the nipple, naked dressing is a way to reclaim your body and feel empowered. You are making a statement that your body is perfectly fine just the way it is - and you decide who gets to see it. Read more
So, what's one thing you'll never hide again?

Join the Hidden Community where we empower each other not only
to have more self-love, but to break down the standards altogether. We only have one body, and we all need a little reminder of how amazing it is, just as it is now.